Active Building Inspections Is an Accredited Termidor Applicator.

Why is the active building inspections and termidor relationship important?
Active Building Inspections ensures its inspectors are qualified in the most necessary fields. Termidor is highly recognised in the pest management industry and our use of Termidor is a testament to our commitment to providing our customers with the best service and products available.
Pest management is an essential part of owning a home and without a pest management program in place can be a cause of problems developing in both new and old homes. Termites are well adapted to the seasonal changes of the Queensland climate meaning the right management program is fundamental.
Let Active Building Inspections be a part of your preventative maintenance program- call and book your annual inspection today.
Termidor FAQ
The following FAQs can be found on the Termidor website. Active Building and Pest inspections takes no credit for the collating of these FAQs however find them extremely valuable to share with our clients.
1. Is Termidor safe?
Termidor has been assessed by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority and Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing and is fully approved for use in domestic situations. Termidor is water-based and virtually has no odour, will not leach through soil and is not damaging to soil micro-organisms, earthworms and plants. In addition, the active ingredient is used extensively on food crops around the world and as the leading product for flea and tick control on dogs and cats in Australia since 1996. Termidor has also been safely used in over four million homes throughout the USA and Europe.
2. Where can I buy Termidor?
Termidor is made available to Professional Pest Managers only, who have been trained in correct application methods. Some people have gone to overseas websites and paid to have Termidor sent to Australia only to have the shipment blocked at Customs. These consumers have not received their shipment and have not been refunded for the purchase and shipping costs.
3. How does a professional apply Termidor to my home for ants?
Termidor is applied outside to the exterior foundation of your house, creating a treated area of protection.
4. How fast will Termidor work to eliminate ants?
The effects of Termidor should begin within one to three days and most ants will be controlled within the first week following the treatment.
5. Can Termidor be used for residential and commercial buildings?
Yes, Accredited Termidor Applicators can offer ant protection to almost any type of structure that is at risk of infestation, including residential homes, churches, office buildings, commercial businesses, warehouses, manufacturing sites and schools.
6. Will Termidor have or leave an odour?
No, Termidor has virtually no odour.
7. What makes Termidor different from "do-it-yourself" ant control options?
Many ‘do-it-yourself’ ant control efforts can actually make things worse. In fact, most over-the-counter sprays and repellents can cause a phenomenon called ‘budding’, in which foraging ants, separated from their nest and queen by a repellent spray, will actually start new colonies. Termidor is an advanced, undetectable treatment that is applied outside your home. Ants never know it’s there, so they can’t react to it or avoid it. Instead, they pick up Termidor on their routine travels to and from your home. Then, they spread it to the other ants in their colony.
8. How much will a Termidor ant treatment cost?
The cost of a Termidor ant treatment varies and largely depends on your particular situation, the treatment plan and service package you and your Professional Pest Manager agree upon.
Thermal Imaging is used on all Active Building and Pest Inspections
Early intervention will prevent bigger problems. (See Photos)

0411 276 707