As we come into the warmer months, termite activity rises. Active Building Inspections believes it is important you know some basic signs of termite activity. This is not an exhaustive list, and we recommend you get the experts in every 12 months to perform formal timber pest inspections.

No Record of Annual Inspection
Termite management was introduced as an Australian Standard in 1966. Often when a Termite barrier is put in place, the installers will recommend ongoing inspections. Look for your termite management notice, these are often placed in the meter box and under the sink. If it hasn’t been filled out, then it could be a good time to get an inspection completed by Active Building Inspections.

Stored Items Under the Residence
The subfloor area offers additional storage space, and with that, potential risks. Stored items offer protection to termites in the case of timber, paper, cardboard and carpet, all of which contain cellulose fibre, a food source.

Termite Mudding
Mud trails like this could be an indication termites have breached the exposed slab edge of a house and entered the property. This image was of a home less than 18 months old. If you find these, contact Active Building Inspections immediately.

Termite Mounds
These are often found in trees or in the yard. You should refer the issue to a pest inspector, or Active Building Inspections, for further investigation.

Timber Meeting Ground
This gives termites the ability to travel directly from the ground into the timber. Check your local governing bodies standards when it comes to minimum clearances. The same applies for timber decking.

Live Termites
Live termites in or around the home require the most immediate attention. If you are unsure whether they are termites or ants, get a pest inspector, or Active Building Inspections, in for further investigation.